spring shopping fest, big sale, 15% off

The 31-day Owatch Spring Shopping Festival has begun!

Absolutely amazing! Virtual reality hand interactive game ─ VR Beat Star ( Original price: US$10,500 ) only costs US$8,925? ! Virtual reality roller coaster ─ VR Egg 360 ( Original price: US$8,600 ) only costs US$7,310? ! That’s right! The Owatch Spring Festival Shopping Festival in March has officially begun. This promotion is the strongest…

giving back promotion

Kick Off the New Year With Owatch’s 10-Day Sale

In order to giving back our new and regular customers for their support and trust in Owatch in the past year, we will provide a very cost-effective price for our best-selling products in January of this new year. OwatchVR is conducting a 10-day customer giving back promotion to provide the best discounts on hot-selling products…