Virtual Reality Hand Interactive Game

World-leading Hand Tracking and Haptics Technology | Owatch VR Hand Interactive Game

Real interaction, real time, fastest, most accurate, and most robust hand tracking – for effortless, natural interaction. The world’s most advanced hand tracking Your hands are intricate and nuanced. Our software is too. World-leading hand tracking captures all the subtlety and complexity of natural hand movements. Real interaction, in real time.It’s based on a decade…

Apple launches new MR headset, to join the metaverse fray too?

Following Meta, Microsoft and Google’s entry into the metaverse, Apple, currently the world’s No.1 consumer electronics company by market capitalisation, is naturally not ignoring this highly promising market. Recently, Apple demonstrated its Mixed Reality (MR) headset in testing to its board members. At the same time, Apple has accelerated the development of rOS (reality OS).…

Major event in VR industry

According to media reports, researchers from NVIDIA and Stanford University are developing ultra-thin VR holographic glasses. The team built a prototype of an ultra-thin VR display with a thickness of only 2.5mm. The holographic glasses called holographic glasses are composed of a pupil replication waveguide, a spatial light modulator and a geometric phase lens, and…